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Tree Removal - Greensboro, NC


Residential & Industrial Tree Removal

How Much Does It Cost to Remove a Tree in Greensboro?

If you need to take down a tree, it’s really important to ask for help from people who know how to do it safely and have the right tools. Trying to cut down a tree by yourself can be very dangerous if you’re not trained.

Before you ask for help, you should know how much it might cost to remove a tree. The price for cutting down a tree can change a lot. Sometimes it might cost as little as $125, but other times it could be more than $1,500. Let’s talk about what makes the price go up or down.

How the Size of the Tree Affects the Price

The size of the tree’s trunk also matters. A tree with a skinny trunk is easier and quicker to remove than a tree with a big, wide trunk.

But if a tree is sick or its wood is soft and rotted, there’s more to think about than just how big around the trunk is.

What's Usually Included in the Tree Removal Cost?

When you pay to have a tree removed, the price should cover cutting down the tree, getting rid of the branches, and cutting the trunk into pieces.

But, there might be extra things that cost more, like:

If the tree is close to a house or power lines, it’s trickier and might cost more because the workers have to be very careful not to let the tree fall on anything important.

Also, if the tree cutters have to travel far to get to your place in Greensboro, the price might go up because of their travel time and the trouble of moving their equipment.

Remember, if a tree is too close to power lines, the power company should take care of it, not you.